Wednesday, August 23, 2006

My Life: Hard Drive on the Way

Looks like my hard drive shipped out last night. I ordered it from Monday night. After a day of processing, their tracking site said UPS had picked it ip. So, I checked the UPS site and sure enough it says "Sched. Delivery: 08/24/2006," which is a day sooner than I thought I'd get it.

I paid the extra two bucks in shipping to get two day air. Why? Well, OWC is located in California, near the same area the warehouse I order my protien from is located. I know that when using regualr UPS to ship the protien it can take like 5-7 days to get here to Atlanta. I wanted to be able to take care of all this HD stuff this weekend, so, I paid the extra couple of bucks to make sure it got here by this Friday. Looks like I'll get my wish.

I would have liked to have gotten the 7200 rpm HD, but for a 120 gig HD that was like eighty bucks more. I figure I've used 5400 for this long, would I really notice the difference? If it's a big deal I can always go back in a year or two and get a bigger faster HD. I'm sure by then they'll have 200 gig 10,000 rpm notebook HDs.

I'll take some pictures this weekend as I put the new HD into my Macbook. I'll also make note of how the movement of files went from my Macbook, to my external HD, and then back to the Macbook. I guess, worst case, if things go wrong I can just put in my old HD and I'm up and running again until I can figure out what went wrong.



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