Wednesday, February 22, 2006

My tits hurt

As expected, my whole body hurts...okay, so I'm being a bit of a pussy.
I don't hurt that bad. My elbows are still tight, and my leg muscles are
a bit sore, but other than that I'm in pretty good shape. Actually, I
expected to hurt worse, so this is okay.

Still working on getting my music copied over. A reader pointed me to to get album covers. I'll have to check that out. Thanks,
whoever it is.

Anyone else read the slew of articles on MSN sports today about the fall
out from the race? Evidently, Jimmie was a bit pissy at Ryan Newman and
his comments. I remember hearing Newman say that stuff after the race,
and now, come to think of it, he sounds like a bit of a sore looser.
Darrell Waltrip and his crew chiefs were just as "dirty" as Knaus is,
and I don't hear anyone giving Darrell shit? Well, maybe they did back
in the day, but Newman just sounded like a pansy. I mean, sure, Jimmie's
had some things that seemed questionable, but anyone that doesn't think
his car, and all those at Hendrick for that matter, aren't looked over
with a fine tooth comb? Newman can qualify really well, he does things
with that car no one else can do, he just can't turn it into a win.
Jesus, doesn't the guy have a degree in mechanical engineering? Shit, if
I were him I'd be in the shop trying to do the same shit Knaus does.

I'm not sure what to think about this whole port ordeal the press has
decided is a big issue. I can't remember the last time the left and
right agreed on something, but actually, I thought W made a good point
the other day, albiet a misguided one. He mentioned something along the
lines of, "Why is it okay fur us to let one foreign company run the
port, but we say no to another?" It was rhetorical, I think, but he did
bring up a good point. These ports were run by a British company before
being bought, and prospectively run by a state owned company from Dubai.

Here's what I don't like, it's state owned. This means no open books,
policies, or control by the people. In all reality, it's an extension of
the Dubai government. Dubai, last I checked, isn't exactly a hotbed for
poltical or ethical fairness. They're a dictatorship basically, and
don't have elections. I heard some figures that 80-90% of their
workforce are basically slave labor from India, Pakistan, and Indonesia.
Crazy! Now, if this was a public company from Qatar, I don't think the
outrage would be the same. It's the state owned deal I, and I think most
others, have issues with. That and 2 of the 9 9/11 hijackers are from
there, and much of the whole 9/11 operation was funded through Dubai
banks, but that's another issue.

Now, there's no way that anything is really going to change at the
ports. The Coast Guard and Customs Agents run security, always have,
always will. They can go where ever whenever they want, and there is
nothing the Dubai company can do. So, I don't buy that this is going to
be more dangerous. Also, if something did happen (i.e.nuke goes off
somewhere) and we find out it came through that port, and that the
company had something to do with it, there would be no Dubai left. I
mean that. This won't be an invasion, not like Iraq, we would nuke
Dubai, end of story. Well, hang on, we'd nuke them if it happens on
Bush's watch, or another Republican's (execpt maybe McCain). If it
happens on a Democrat's watch we'd just bomb them to hell with
M.O.A.B.S. and other crazy mad explosive stuff.

So, as much as I don't like who will be running the ports, I don't
really see it as THAT big of a deal. I will think it's funny if W uses
his first veto to block legislation, and then have that veto over
turned. I'd just shit myself laughing.

Have a beer.



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