Tuesday, February 21, 2006

T Stew sucks ass

This one goes out to Zach... T. Stew sucks ass. I hope he gets into Mark
Martin so that old man can whip Stew's pudgy ass. I'd laugh so hard if
Martin opened up a can on Stew.

Back to reality... is anyone else as anal about their iTunes music as I
am? I'm FINALLY importing all of my CDs into iTunes. However, I didn't
realize that iTunes won't grab an image for your songs, you have to go
find the album art and put it on the song yourself, which sucks. I mean,
it's not that big of a deal, but since I'm so anal I just HAVE to make
sure the perfect album art appears when the song comes up on my iPod.

Work's going good. Learning some neat stuff. I've got two project
they're going to brief me on tomorrow about. They sound pretty cool.
I'll be able to start actually working for a change, instead of sitting
around trying to find something to do. I've got a lot of neat new
programs I would have never had a chance to work with at my last job.
So, I'm learning stuff too.

My arms are killing me today, but it's a weird sort of muscle pain. I
mean, sure, much of my body has the typical soreness you get when you
first start to lift weights again, and actually I don't hurt that bad
except for my elbows. Something I did yesterday really strained the
muscles right to the outside of the elbow. I was worried it might be a
tendon, so I looked up some anatomical pictures and was able to indeed
locate the muscle there that is causing me the pain. I made sure to
stretch it out through the day and by the end of the day I was doing
pretty good, at least good enough to be able to do other arm exercises
at the gym today. I also did legs, but not too hard, so hopefully I
won't be walking like a gimp tomorrow at work.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are just jealous b/c TStew is way better than any of your drivers and you lost to me. I commend TStew, albeit a quasi-hypocrite, but he defended himself. I am glad he is back to his old hardass ways. He is a better driver aggressively. The proof is in the pudding, penalized 3 times to the back of the field and with a damaged car, he gets 5th, what would have happened if that flaming queer wouldnt have put him in the wall or if Kenseth wouldnt have gotten him sideways in lap 20 of 200? he would have whopped everyone's ass.
p.S. quitcher bitchin'

12:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Head to allmusic.com. Perfect album covers. Just select all the tracks on the album and drag the photo into the itunes window.

5:25 PM  

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