This Fucking Sucks

Traders are going to have a field day with this and send iol up one or two bucks, which means gas is going to go up too. This is just getting crazy. I mean, shit, I drive a small sedan, a 2001 Hyundai Elantra. It's nothing to look at and the ride is subpar but I get 30 miles to the gallon. With a 13 gallon tank that's roughly 400 miles give or take. You know how much it cost me to fill up yesterday? 40 bucks, 40 fucking bucks. That's bull shit man.
I do my part, I drive a small car, I try to avoid driving when I don't have to but man...when do I get to catch a break? When does the little guy get to have it a bit easier as the oil companies post record profits? What the fuck, you know?
Every time I see a mom driving her Toyota Sequioa and her one kid I want to scream! Look at the SUVs and big ass trucks, look at the people driving them, its usually one, maybe two people in them. They have like 30 gallon tanks. You want to know why the little guy is getting screwed? It's because the fat guy is driving a bog of a vehicle and taking twice as much gas up as I do. There's your supply and demand right there.
You can read the article at here.
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