So today is the big day for Apple. The big keynote speech. The day Steve Jobs changes everything. Or so the hype would have you believe.
I switched from a Windows based desktop to an Apple based laptop back in August. Let me tell you, best thing I could ever do. My home computing is just much better now, and significantly more fun. Also, I use the term "based" above on purpose. You see, I also run Windows on my Apple laptop, when I want to. It's a nice plus. You can't run OSX on a Windows computer. I get the best of both worlds. Luck me.
At any rate, back to my original statement. Today is the big keynote statement by Steve Jobs at Macworld. I've been waiting for this for a while now. I always get geeked up about it. All his keynote speeches have a certain vibe around them. It's am amazing little media frenzy Apple has created for itself. For each person who craps on Apple for being so secret I offer you this one argument. Tell me the last time HP or Dell had hype introducing a new item. Now, tell me when they did it twice in a row. Okay, now three times in a row. Can't do it, can you.
The point is, Apple created this hype machine years ago and it does wonders for them, WONDERS. It's at the point today where Apple doesn't even need to add to the hype by dropping little hints here and there. Nope, the media and financial firms do it all for them. Everyone loves to speculate, talk up, say they know, and otherwise speculate on what might be announced during the keynote.
Fact is, this is simply the best hype machine for any tech company there is. HP, Dell, Gateway, Sony, Toshiba, Panasonic, LG, and anyone else out there should take note. This is how it's done. Financial analysts hate it. They say public companies need to make it know what they're working on, for the sake of the stock holders. WILL SOMEONE PLEASE THINK OF THE STOCK HOLDERS!
The only other show that used to generate this amount of hype for new tech was E3, and now that's gone. Once a year Nintendo, Microsoft, and Sony would have their big presentations, setting the stage for the upcoming year, and maybe the year after that. It was the only thing that compared. And not it is gone.
I'm excited, but I don't think anything Earth shattering will come out today. I'm interested in the possibilities of an Apple branded cell phone. So far I'm the only one out there saying that they'll have to models. One named the MacPhone, the other, more upscale and smart phone version, the MacPhone Pro. But hey, that's me, and what do I know.
Now, I could be wrong about there not being anything earth shattering. Apple's banners and image say "The Last 30 Years Were Just The Begining." What could this mean? I think it means that Apple is going to start offering a whole line of consumer products. Phone, Computer, TV, Media Center, Radios, iPods, Alarm Clocks, Toasters, the works. I mean, Apple could do to appliances what it did to computers, make them sexy. If they do, watch out Cuisinart.
I'll have a full run down later tonight after work with a Podcast, both in generic MP3 as well as SUPER ENHANCED M4A FORMAT. In other words, it'll have pictures that display if you play it in iTunes or on your iPod, no big deal really.
I'll be tuned in to all the blogs that cover the presentation and I'll watch it myself later today. Should be fun. Glad I take lunch from 12:00-1:00 EST, just in time for the keynote. Whoopie!